Tuesday, November 18, 2014

iTicket POS lets timeshare resorts entertain prospective clients

It’s no secret that timeshare resorts have been struggling to sell shared-ownership (timeshare) properties in the present tough economic environment. But iTicket POS software is helping turn that around – handing a new lifeline to these depressed properties. It’s no secret that timeshare resorts have been struggling to sell shared-ownership (timeshare) properties in the present tough economic environment. But iTicket POS software can help turn that around – handing a new lifeline to these depressed properties.

Traditional point-of-sale (POS) materials and presentations offer little to keep potential clients engaged. But those long, boring, disengaging, and high-pressure timeshare meetings are quickly becoming a thing of the past. An iTicket POS lets timeshare resorts entertain prospective clients with dramatically improved multi-media presentations that keep participants alert and focused without the need to resort to the stereotypical stress-inducing sales tactics potential purchasers have come to dread.

Content of timeshare sales presentations no longer need be limited to movie clips, slideshows, press releases, and news articles. The versatility, speed, and power of the iTicket POS creates virtually limitless possibilities for new and unique content and offers seamless transition from one form of promotional material to another. 

That means a timeshare resort has the ability to vary presentations to accommodate geographic differences or match the tastes and styles of different demographics – customizing content to appeal to young professional couples, families looking for a vacation home, retirees, or even college students looking for adventure or a great spring-break hangout. Moreover, an iTicket point of sale can be tailored to the specific needs of each timeshare resort, and updated as often as needed to keep up with changing needs.

But it isn't just the quality, speed, versatility, adaptability, instant nature, and consistency of iTicket POS ability to gift and pre-gift  is helping timeshares close sales at an unprecedented rate. Portability and flexibility are big factors, too. Instead of having to book timeshare meetings at a set time in a hotel conference room or restricted to a desk, now sales personnel are able to meet potential clients anywhere, anytime.

Portability was one of the three top benefits noted by Bryan Griffin, Director of Business Development at ABP; the other two: familiarity (“there’s no learning curve”) and intuitively/ease of use (the iTicket POS “required no staff training”.

The small size of the HP Retail POS tablet means that, instead of having to try to fill a conference room time-slot, and schedule enough people to cover the high rental cost of hotel facilities equipped with bulky traditional presentation equipment, such as video projectors, screens, televisions, and the like, with an iTicket POS systempresentations can be made to much smaller groups or on a one-on-one basis, if desired – reducing space, equipment, and overall presentation costs while increasing the personal human element essential to closing a sale. That makes an iTicket point of sale device not only an optimal tool for timeshare resorts to use to generate sales, but for timeshare rental companies to use to help timeshare owners rent out their properties.

ABP offers a unique All-in-One Solution that features an iTicket POS and Head Office. iTicket POS is a feature rich POS that does Retail Sales, Pre-gifting, and gifting, built and designed for timeshare companies. Process your credit card transaction seamlessly through the tablet using P2P Encryption meeting the toughest of security standards and EMV is coming soon right on the tablet!

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