Thursday, October 17, 2013

Employee Theft- Are you safe?

The statics are just amazing...3 out of 4 of your employees have already stolen from at least once, and at least one of the will steal from you again.

The fact is business just cannot absorb this rate of loss and stay in business. The facts are employees and managers alike will find loop holes in your processes and will steal from you.

Many ticket re-sellers and timeshare companies feel secure with a Point of Sale or systems process they have in place. However, theme parks have moved away from hard ticket inventory and offer re-sellers the convenience of web portals to print tickets on demand. 

Sounds nice, but now you need to balance every web portal with the POS. Multiply this out times several properties, OPC sites, or guest service desk and the process can become overwhelming very quickly. If this is you, then there is a high chance you are being stolen from and are not yet even aware of it!

Time to think beyond the POS. Time to think integration.

With the right tools, technology and processes, you can eliminate the gaping loop wholes and help stop employee theft BEFORE it happens. iTicket POS is just that, a better tool, the right technology, and still provides turnstile on demand tickets for your guest.

At the end of the day if you change then nothing then nothing will change. Consider this quote-Sometimes we spend more time than we should defending the old thing, instead of working to take advantage of the new thing.”-Seth Godin

Employee Theft Statistics
Percent of employees who have stolen at least once from their employer
75 %
Percent of employees who have stolen at least twice from their employer
37.5 %

Amounts Stolen
$100,000 – $499,999
28.2 %
$10,000 – $49,999
16.8 %

Other Employee Theft Statistics

Percent of total thefts committed by a manager
37.1 %
Average time office fraud lasts before detected
2 years
Retail employees arrested for workplace theft
1 in 30

About iTicket POS

Designed for the timeshare industry, iTicket POS is a complete enterprise POS software solution that enables your staff to sell and gift attraction tickets, dinner shows, and more. Monitor sales activity, collect critical pre-gift and gifting data, produce detailed reports and provide better customer service.

If you would like more information on check us online at  Or to see if it is right for your origination, then call Bryan Griffin @ 407-422-7437. 
Statics according to

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