Monday, October 21, 2013

Are you trying to maintain control in absentia?

You may be surprised to to realize that you may be managing two different companies:
1) When your there 
2) The evil twin when your not there

Many operations suffer with this when running multiple locations selling theme park and attractions tickets. Managing inventory is asking for trouble but now today’s theme parks tickets often provide web portals to place orders for their re-sellers to purchase turnstile tickets. 
This can seem very convenient but also offers some significant challenges once you get past one computer placing these orders.

Point of Sale does offer control and can help boost efficiency no matter where head office is, but if your Point of Sale is not integrated, this means that you will need to reconcile these transactions with the Point of Sale at the end of each day since the two are not linked together. This can create quite the paperwork trail. Multiply this times several locations and you can really create a headache if you not careful. It can leave with questions at reconciliation:
Why don't I see this transaction in the POS?
Why is the amount in the POS different then the web portal report?
Was this a gift or pregift and for who?

If you or your team are asking questions like this then iTicket POS is for you!

iTicket POS is a Point of Sale that integrates in closed loop with the theme parks, making the purchase and reconciliation of those purchases seamless with the back office. This saves time offers a great deal of control and detail when it comes to the reconciliation bringing all records back to one central location.
But that's not good enough! At iTicket POS want to take this one step further and give clients the competitive edge through smart technology.

iTicket POS is pleased to announce it will be the only provider offering the ability to send guests to parks such as Sea World Orlando/San Diego and Bush Gardens Tampa via iPhone or any other smart phone.

If you would like more information on what iTicket POS can do or to see if it is right for you, call 407.422.7437 or see us online at

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