Monday, November 4, 2013

Establish, and Measure and Analyze

Establish, and Measure and Analyze Key Performance Metrics.
Over the years your company has made investments into growth and expansion into areas such as OPC, Gift Room, and Guest Services. Often deployed at the tactical level, in a piecemeal fashion, these areas can and will create islands of information. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Beyond the sale, how is your POS measuring up?

"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things." Stephen Covey

In the unique vertical of timeshares and guest service operations, there are those that "re-sell" attraction tickets. For years the only way to do this was by purchasing hard tickets from whole sellers or if your volume was high enough the attraction themselves. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Are you trying to maintain control in absentia?

You may be surprised to to realize that you may be managing two different companies:
1) When your there 
2) The evil twin when your not there

Many operations suffer with this when running multiple locations selling theme park and attractions tickets. Managing inventory is asking for trouble but now today’s theme parks tickets often provide web portals to place orders for their re-sellers to purchase turnstile tickets. 
This can seem very convenient but also offers some significant challenges once you get past one computer placing these orders.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Employee Theft- Are you safe?

The statics are just amazing...3 out of 4 of your employees have already stolen from at least once, and at least one of the will steal from you again.

The fact is business just cannot absorb this rate of loss and stay in business. The facts are employees and managers alike will find loop holes in your processes and will steal from you.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Theme park tickets on your iPhone are coming soon. Get Ready……

Who knows what your iPhone will become next? Soon you will be able to go into the park with nothing more than your iPhone.

The folks at iTicket POS are not only integrating their POS Software to the theme park ticketing software, but are working with them to allow guests to have their admission tickets on their iPhone.

Is the era of vouchers for theme parks dead?

Ticket retailers for years have struggled with one of two solutions, manage ticket inventory or explaining vouchers.

Both solutions have their pros and cons, vouchers through the years began to get get a bad rap as guests would have to exchange these vouchers for the actual tickets, typically in a separate line where guest would could expect wait times of an hour or more during peak times.